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With a diameter of about 244 km, Juno was the third Minor Planet or Asteroid to be discovered. This revelation occurred on September 1st, 1804 by K. Harding at Lilienthal, Germany. Juno's orbital period is 4.36 years, its distance from the Sun varying between 296 and 503 million km, which is a very eccentric orbit. This orbit is inclined at 13.0 degrees to the ecliptic.
Juno in Mythology
Juno, known as Hera in Greek mythology, was married to Zeus (Jupiter) and became queen of the gods. While outwardly supporting her husband and protecting him, Juno tended to take her revenge on those who engaged in affairs with Zeus. As a devoted wife, her deepest desire was for a warm, happy and proactive relationship.
There are many tales of persecution and in particular towards Hercules, the son of Zeus. Finally, in raising a storm against Hercules, Zeus awoke in time to save him. Juno was punished by having her hands tied with a golden chain and heavy weights tied to her feet. She was suspended in the clouds in great pain for a day.
Juno became reconciled with Hercules, and offered her daughter Hebe to be his wife. Juno also protected the Argonauts in their passage through the wandering rocks by commanding sea nymphs to assist.
Juno is referred to as the patron goddess of marriage and the month of June, the most popular time to marry, takes its name from this goddess.
Juno in Astrology
The actions of Juno from the myth suggests a link with Scorpio and Libra; intense reactions, jealousy, sexual issues, forgiveness and idealism are seemingly prominent. Some astrologers consider that Juno can indicate artistic talents and abilities, and this is usually associated with the Sun, Venus or Ascendant conjunct Juno. However, if Juno is conjunct the Midheaven, marriage and business partnerships could be problematic, simply because deep, warm personal intimacy may contrast with personal power and status goals.
If Juno is prominently placed in a chart (strong challenging aspects, on angles or personal points), childhood sexual abuse may have occurred. There also appears to be a strong link to marriage and relationships, although in the myth, Juno and Jupiter did not seem to share a good partnership. Thus, issues of abuse, power struggles in relationships, manipulation, abandonment fears, possessiveness, divorce, infidelity and loyalty issues may arise in certain charts. A number of women with strong Juno influences often tend to marry someone with power and status.

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