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Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
1° Aries: A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her. Potentiality of selfhood: the individual is emerging from the collective and realizes self for the first time.
2° Aries: A comedian entertaining the group. Objective understanding through extracting salient elements of being. Joy of life's discovery; or escape through humor.
3° Aries: A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country. The individual self as an avatar of greater collective reality; as participant in the larger scheme of society or life.
4° Aries: Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk. Fullness of conscious participation in life without responsibility. Closing of a cycle of activity, implying satiation.
5° Aries: A triangle with wings. Evolution of values in the sphere of inward self, but at a stage not yet substantiated. Eagerness for a spiritual goal.
6° Aries: A square brightly lighted on one side. Primal effort toward individual selfhood. First and uncontrolled interest in any given thing. Great inner restlessness.
7° Aries: A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once. Conscious duality by which man first really differentiates himself from the animals. Versatility in work. Self-expansion.
8° Aries: A woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind. First real attempt at self-exteriorization and embodiment in consciousness. Individualizing Eastern forces are suggested.
9° Aries: A crystal gazer. Direction from within. Taking advantage of all factors in a given situation, and knowing when to make decisions. Assurance.
10° Aries: A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images. Deep understanding, beyond normal means. Abstract seership, integrating the inner and the outer. Interpretative gift.
11° Aries: The ruler of a nation. Fine stewardship of collective racial ideals. Good and necessary, but unimaginative conformity to standards. Idealization.
12° Aries: A flock of wild geese. A soul as yet socially immature and unadjusted; not come down to full and steady concrete expression. Self-discovery.
13° Aries: A bomb which failed to explode is now safely concealed. Intangible fears of nascent selfhood: the creative stirring up of a new perspective and a new identity suddenly revealed.
14° Aries: A serpent coiling near a man and a woman. Power of higher wisdom manifest in the bi-polar nature. Protection by the higher genius of Self. Fulfillment in truth.
15° Aries: An indian weaving a blanket. Full and conscious realization of selfhood, through the memory of all the powers acquired in the past. Retentiveness.
16° Aries: Brownies dancing in the setting sun. Relationship between conscious and unconscious sides of life. Invisible assistance often entailing obligation to outer forces.
17° Aries: Two prim spinsters sitting together in silence. Poised and dispassionate outlook, involving either great dignity and integrity of self, or inability to live life fully.
18° Aries: An empty hammock. Rest after some notable achievement. Capacity for consciousness after the act, for reaping fruits of activity. Detachment.
19° Aries: The magic carpet of oriental imagery. Capacity to transform everyday life by the power of creative significance; or escape in idle fancy.
20° Aries: A young girl feeding birds in winter. Participation of self in a life larger than any conception of selfhood. Protection, or the need for it.
21° Aries: A pugilist (boxer) entering the ring. Complete immolation of self in things purely 'physical. Intense self-assertiveness, physical and psychological.
22° Aries: The gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires. Joy and utter lack of inhibitions in objective life. Self-exaltation or bondage to the craving for happiness.
23° Aries: A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load. First maturity of conscious life in any phase of experience. Sense of value and delicacy-or wastefulness. Innocence.
24° Aries: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia. Good fortune attending upon the putting forth of effort. Rush of spiritual forces into the conscious ego. Protection.
25° Aries: A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings. Fortuitous cooperation between inner and outer elements of being. A sense of responsibility to self or to society.
26° Aries: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. Supreme endowment, and inexhaustibility of resources in all possible life realms. Sometimes obsession by potentiality.
27° Aries: Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained. Beginning of mental maturity and slow growth of the creative faculty. Revision of attitude. Mental house cleaning.
28° Aries: A large disappointed audience. A new light is shed upon cherished ideas. Fearless, constructive and public facing of the facts of existence. Adjustment.
29° Aries: The music of the spheres. At-one-ment of consciousness with cosmic powers. Harmonic understanding and faith in the order and meaning of life.
30° Aries: A duck pond and its brood. Essential social cooperativeness and appreciation of selfhood. Also a sense of inner restriction. Contentedness.

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